Set Up Public Stock company (AB)
It is very much alike as private limited liability company, but shares are capable of publically trading, and there is no ceiling on a number of shareholders. The approved capital of a public company is not permitted to be lower than EUR 43.445. Its shares may be distributed and trade openly. The compulsory bodies of a company are the typical meeting of shareholders and the director of a company. The company is responsible for its obligations only to the extent of its assets. The shareholders are subject to only to the scope of the amounts due to be paid for the shares subscribed. Nevertheless, the Civil Code makes known a provision that in the case where a company is powerless to perform its obligations due to illegal actions of a shareholder, the shareholder is permitted to incur subsidiary responsible for the duties of the company with its personal ability.
We want to assist you to start your own business in Lithuania, even in a circumstance if you are not in Lithuania. It will give you an advantage to economy your time and money. The preparing of needed documents for company registration in Lithuania will begin in no time by our employees if the purchaser chooses our services. You will be able to find all the conditions and developments of the company in this article.
If you have determined to sign up a new Lithuanian company and build up your own business in Lithuania with your wished company title (which is allowed to be only in Lithuanian or Latin languages), so it will need only a week longer than buying an already established Lithuanian company. Analogous company is wanted by a purchaser who has already opened the business in his or her country and wishes to open and start companies in Lithuania with the constant name and logo.